A: left - D: right - W: jump - E: exit,open door and chest 

yaargh! your ship is sinking, but before you leave it, you want to recover your treasures.

Can you recover all 15 treasures and escape from the ship in time?

To exit the ship, return to the start, jump towards the chains and press 'E'.


A: sinistra - D: destra - W: salto - E: uscita, apertura porte e ceste

yaargh! La tua nave sta affondando, ma prima di abbandonarla vuoi recuperare tutti i tuoi tesori.

Riuscirai a recuperare tutti e 15 tesori e scappare dalla nave in tempo?

Per uscire dalla nave bisogna ritornare alla partenza, saltare sulle catene e premere 'E'

Game Made in 3 hours for trijam 207 
Engine: Construct3
Graphic Asset - https://pixelfrog-assets.itch.io/pirate-bomb
Sound Effect - Pixabay.com
Font: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Texturina?query=textu


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I got em all babyyyyy! Very cool game, reminds me of warioland if wario was a pirate

Thank you! :)